17 resultados para Robótica

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este e-book é uma produção do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Para a Ciência - PPGEC - da Faculdade de Ciências da UNESP, campus de Bauru, e faz parte do Programa de Publicações Digitais da Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação, em parceria com a Fundação Editora da UNESP, que tem como principal objetivo a divulgação de pesquisas realizadas pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação da universidade. A série Ensino de Ciências e Matemática teve início em 2009 e visa, por meio de pesquisas oriundas de teses, dissertações e de grupos de pesquisa, divulgar e fomentar a discussão sobre processos de ensino de Ciências e Matemática analisada a partir de diferentes perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas. Essa série abarca temáticas recentes que estão sempre presentes nas discussões de importantes eventos científicos, nacionais e internacionais, da área da Educação para a Ciência e Matemática. Entre esses temas destacam: formação de professores, formação de conceitos, Tecnologias da Informação, processos de ensino, entre outros. Esta obra é intitulada Ensino de Ciências e Matemática IV: temas de investigação porque veicula pesquisas que abordam temas atuais e importantes estudados por pós-graduandos e docentes do Programa, como, por exemplo, avaliação, prática de ensino, robótica, prática pedagógica, TV digital, educação desenvolvida em âmbito não-escolar, entre outros. Tais investigações são resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas no Programa: algumas são resultados de teses e dissertações e outras foram produzidas por grupos de pesquisa. Professores que ensinam Ciências e Matemática, em diferentes níveis de escolaridade, e pesquisadores que desenvolvem estudos nessas áreas poderão ter fácil acesso a esta obra, uma vez que estará disponível na Internet, o que pode contribuir para o debate sobre ...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work aims to study the movement periodically interrupted realized by four handmade toys. Such movement can be studied by nonlinear dynamics, but this topic is not covered in the general undergraduate courses in Physics. The study presented aim to observe, search, identify and measure physical quantities characteristic of toys according to the information provided by the dynamic, in this case, the formalism of moment of forces and energy. It also allows an approach to non-formal education in physics, since the measures and instruments differ from formal laboratory approach. These toys are unknown examples of simple machines studied in Mechanics and allow to illustrate passive walkers in Robotics


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Acceleration is a key parameter for engineering and is becoming increasingly important because of the need for companies to become more competitive in the market. Both applying new technologies to their products and optimizing their process lines with predictive maintenance and robotic automation. This study aims to analyze the quality of the signals obtained from a capacitive accelerometer. To do that a test rig was mounted, which consist of a shaker, fed by a signal generator, a linear potentiometer and a capacitive accelerometer; for the signal acquisition was used a acquisition board and the Labview software, in order to integrate twice the signal from the accelerometer and compare it with the sign of the potentiometer. This work also demonstrates the impact of acquired signal processing as well as techniques of pre and post processing of signal via software GNU/Octave


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This project is comprised by an interactive mobile robotics’ environment, focused in human-robot interaction. The system was developed to work in a smartphone, with Android operating system, embedded in a small size mobile robot. Information provided by the smartphone’s camera and microp hone, as well as by proximity sensors embedded in the robot, is used as inputs of a control architecture, implemented in software. It is a behavior-based and receptive to human commands control architecture, to assist the robot’s navigation. The robot is controlled by its own behaviors or by commands em it ted by humans


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The use of mobile robots in the agriculture turns out to be interesting in tasks of cultivation and application of pesticides in minute quantities to reduce environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control an autonomous mobile robot navigation through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by preprocessing them to extract image features, and then submitting such characteristic features to a support vector machine to find out the most appropriate route. As the overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is the robot control in real time, the system will be embedded onto a hardware platform. However, in this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine, which so far presented around 93% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Understanding consciousness is one of the most fascinating challenges of our time. From ancient civilizations to modern philosophers, questions have been asked on how one is conscious of his/her own existence and about the world that surrounds him/her. Although there is no precise definition for consciousness, there is an agreement that it is strongly related to human cognitive processes such as: thinking, reasoning, emotions, wishes. One of the key processes to the arising of the consciousness is the attention, a process capable of promoting a selection of a few stimuli from a huge amount of information that reaches us constantly. Machine consciousness is the field of the artificial intelligence that investigate the possibility of the production of conscious processes in artificial devices. This work presents a review about the theme of consciousness - in both natural and artificial aspects -, discussing this theme from the philosophical and computational perspectives, and investigates the feasibility of the adoption of an attentional schema as the base to the cognitive processing. A formal computational model is proposed for conscious agents that integrates: short and long term memories, reasoning, planning, emotion, decision making, learning, motivation and volition. Computer experiments in a mobile robotics domain under USARSim simulation environment, proposed by RoboCup, suggest that the agent can be able to use these elements to acquire experiences based on environment stimuli. The adoption of the cognitive architecture over the attentional model has potential to allow the emergence of behaviours usually associated to the consciousness in the simulated mobile robots. Further implementation under this model could potentially allow the agent to express sentience, selfawareness, self-consciousness, autonoetic consciousness, mineness and perspectivalness. By performing computation over an attentional space, the model also allows the ...


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Automated Production Systems Development involves aspects concerning the integration of technological components that exist on the market, such as: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), robot manipulators, various sensors and actuators, image processing systems, communication networks and collaborative supervisory systems; all integrated into a single application. This paper proposes an automated platform for experimentation, implemented through typical architecture for Automated Production Systems, which integrates the technological components described above, in order to allow researchers and students to carry out practical laboratory activities. These activities will complement the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students in the classroom, thus improving their training and professional skills. A platform designed using this generic structure will allow users to work within an educational environment that reflects most aspects found in Industrial Automated Manufacturing Systems, such as technology integration, communication networks, process control and production management. In addition, this platform offers the possibility complete automated process of control and supervision via remote connection through the internet (WebLab), enabling knowledge sharing between different teaching and research groups.


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Pesquisas na robótica móvel tem sido impulsionadas pelos avanços tecnológicos. Existem frentes de pesquisas que abordam diferentes aspectos e desafios da robótica móvel, dentre os quais é possível citar tópicos como locomoção, navegação e arquitetura de controle. Esse crescimento em pesquisas acarreta uma maior necessidade por plataformas de robôs que possam ser destinadas à pesquisa e também para fins educacionais. Este trabalho propõe uma alternativa de plataforma de robô móvel de baixo custo, de arquitetura de hardware, software e controle aberta, destinada a atividades de propósitos gerais. A plataforma almeja a facilitação e flexibilização do processo de desenvolvimento de estudos e aplicações robóticas por meio de uma interface de comunicação simplificada e pela abstração da heterogeneidade dos dispositivos periféricos de hardware, sendo assim, capaz de oferecer maior liberdade em relação às linguagens de programação, paradigmas de controle e tecnologias de controle.


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Esse trabalho utiliza um sistema de visão catadióptrico para capturar imagens de um cenário natural agrícola e realizar o levantamento de regiões que possam auxiliar diversas aplicações na área da Robótica Móvel Agrícola. Os sistemas de visão catadióptricos buscam capturar uma imagem 360° do ambiente a partir da combinação de lentes e espelhos. A imagem omnidirecional é retificada e seus quadrantes são extraídos, originando quatro novas imagens que representam lados de visão do veículo. Uma etapa de segmentação por cor é proposta utilizando como base o algoritmo Otsu Thresholding. No final do processo, é possível visualizar as regiões de interesse de cada quadrante.